В России планируется разработка комплексного цифрового решения для строительства сложных промышленных объектов

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26 Августа 2016

Компания Xeikon представила обои оригинального дизайна

Компания Xeikon представила обои оригинального дизайна

Digital capabilities open up design evolution opportunities

The wall covering market is evolving, and Xeikon has solutions to address exciting new opportunities in this market. At MoOD (Meet only Original Designs), the company will showcase its dedicated wall covering solutions. The event will be held in Brussels, Belgium, 6 to 8 September, 2016. The show is expected to attract 230 companies from 20 countries.

MoOD is predominantly a designer event, but there is more focus this year on production and manufacturing techniques. It will feature six ‘Sheds’ divided into inspiration zones:

Blue Drop exhibition showcasing the ‘best of the best’;

Innovation Platform created by Materia, Colour Hive, Trendease International, Materio and Masters of Linen;

Launch Pad featuring start-up entrepreneurs;

New Materials / New Techniques featuring techniques, conceptual fabrics and special materials; and

Digital Village, focusing on digital printing, colours and other services and the EPIC Textile Journey, where Xeikon will show its Wall Decoration Suite.

“The wall covering market has been fairly static for the best part of two centuries, but we have seen a dramatic transformation in the past decade:” states Danny Mertens, Xeikon’s Corporate Communications Manager. “Suppliers and end users alike can now utilize digital printing capabilities to develop more creative, eye-catching wall coverings in smaller runs, as well as cost effectively produce test runs and mock-ups on the same materials that will be used in full production runs.”

He continues, “With the development of its dedicated digital solutions and a fast growing customer base in wall decoration production, Xeikon offers a unique solution. At shows like MoOD, we are excited to be able demonstrate these solutions and explain what digital printing can bring to the designer world in terms of new creative possibilities. This is the first time we will participate in MoOD, and we are looking forward to sharing this information with attendees. We think they will be amazed at what can be done in the digital world to create new and unusual wall covering products. We’ll show them how they can use digital printing technologies with unlimited creative freedom, whether or not they use repeat patterns, even for very short runs.”

Xeikon’s Wall-Decoration Suite enables cost-efficient production of high-quality wall decoration for commercial, retail and residential purposes. This ‘all-in-one’ solution addresses increasing demand for more customized and personalized runs and enables the production of a small roll of finished wallpaper from a large roll of paper.

The Wall Decoration Suite consists of five major components - a Xeikon Digital Press printing on the broadest media range available, combined with a software-driven dedicated workflow, application-specific toners and process optimization tools. Pre- and post-press solutions are also part of the solution. .

“While we will have some outstanding samples on show at MoOD,” Mertens concludes, “There is nothing better than seeing your own designs printed. We are happy to invite designers to take advantage of our See The Proof program by uploading their own designs and receiving a sample print.”

For more information about Xeikon’s Wall Decoration Suite (www.xeikon.com/en/services-solutions/wall-decoration-suite) or to See The Proof (www.seetheproof.com) . To schedule a personal meeting with Xeikon wall covering experts at the show, contact info@xeikon.com.


Xeikon, a division of Flint Group, is a long-standing leader and innovator in digital printing technology. Grounded in the principles of quality, flexibility and sustainability, Xeikon designs, develops and delivers web-fed digital colour presses for label and packaging applications, document printing, and commercial printing. These presses utilise LED-array-based electrophotography, open workflow software and application-specific toners.

As an OEM supplier, Xeikon also designs and produces plate makers for newspaper printing applications. In addition, Xeikon manufactures basysPrint computer-to-conventional plate (CtCP) solutions for the commercial offset printing market. For the flexographic market, Xeikon offers digital platemaking systems under the ThermoFlexX brand name. ThermoFlexX systems provide high-resolution plate exposure combined with unique plate handling, flexibility and unmatched productivity

In 2015, Xeikon joined Flint Group to create a new “Digital Printing Solutions” division for the leading global print consumables and solution provider to the packaging and print media industries. Flint Group develops and manufactures an extensive portfolio of printing consumables. These include a vast range of conventional and energy-curable inks and coatings, pressroom chemicals, printing plates and equipment, printing blankets and sleeves, and pigments and additives for use in inks and other colorant applications. Headquartered in Luxembourg, Flint Group employs some 7900 people. On a worldwide basis, the company is the number one or number two supplier in every major market segment it serves.

For more information about Xeikon, visit www.xeikon.com and for Flint Group, visit www.flintgrp.com or contact:


Corporate Communications Manager

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